1D Månad på Sugarscape
DATUM: 2011-09-10 | TID: 13:14:06 | KATEGORI: Gott & Blandat | 0 Kommentarer
So to kick things off we're giving away an original portrait of none other than Mr Zayn Malik, drawn very skillfully in sharpie marker by the renowned artiste Niall Horan.
To win, have a look at our Zayn Malik gallery here and tell us in the form below what page the above photograph of Zayn is on.
So you get to win Zayn simply by looking at Zayn!
You can enter from anywhere in the world, and the comp will be open for two weeks from today (Friday September 9th).

Ni som inte förstod kan då gå in HÄR & försöka läsa lite mer om jag gjorde det lite oklart.